
近日,海湾国家运输部门宣布:“作为阿曼基础设施发展项目的一部分,阿曼已经投资21亿阿曼里亚尔(约54.6亿美元)用于建造新公路及已有公路网络的扩建。”相关负责人Ahmed binSalim Al Futaisi说:“政府已经批准了在Sultanate地区的67个大型公路建设项目,包括东部Ashar...


相关负责人Ahmed binSalim Al Futaisi说:“政府已经批准了在Sultanate地区的67个大型公路建设项目,包括东部Asharqiya省2327公里的新道路工程。这些项目总价约21亿阿曼里亚尔。建成后将对当地的发展做出巨大的贡献。”

他又补充道:“这些项目没有包括空运项目。虽然阿曼正计划建设五座新机场,包括Asharqiya 地区的Ras Al Had机场。机场第一阶段的建设已经完成,第二阶段也即将完成。这个重要的项目的建成将推动当地旅游业的发展。”

Oman invests $5.46 billion in road development

Omanis pumping nearly RO2.1 billion ($5.46 billion) into projects to construct newroads and expand the existing road network as part of an overall infrastructuredevelopment program, the Gulf country's minister of transport and communicationhas said.
Ahmed bin Salim Al Futaisi said his ministry hasapproved 67 large road projects covering most areas in the Sultanate, includingthe construction of 2,327 kmof new roads in the eastern province of Asharqiya.
"These projects have a value of nearly RO2.1 billion...after they are completed, they willlargely contribute to the development of the region," he told tribalchiefs during a visit to their eastern province, according to the Omani Arabiclanguage daily Al Watan.
Al Futaisi said the projects do not include airtransport, adding that Omanis planning to construct five new airports, including the Ras Al Had airport inAsharqiya.
"The first phase of that airport projecthas been completed and we are on the verge of finishing the second phase...thisimportant project will largely contribute to the development of the tourismsector in that area," he said.
